

  • 맑음속초-0.7맑음북춘천-4.7맑음철원-4.5맑음동두천-3.5맑음파주-4.0맑음대관령-8.9맑음춘천-3.6맑음백령도-1.3맑음북강릉-0.8맑음강릉-0.5맑음동해0.5맑음서울-3.3맑음인천-3.1맑음원주-1.9눈울릉도-0.9맑음수원-2.0맑음영월-4.2맑음충주-2.8맑음서산-1.5맑음울진0.8맑음청주-1.8맑음대전-0.9맑음추풍령-3.3맑음안동-2.7맑음상주-1.5맑음포항0.0구름많음군산-0.2맑음대구-0.9구름많음전주-1.3맑음울산-0.3맑음창원0.5맑음광주0.6맑음부산1.2맑음통영2.3구름많음목포1.3맑음여수0.2구름조금흑산도3.2구름많음완도3.2구름많음고창-0.9구름조금순천-1.4맑음홍성-0.6맑음서청주-1.1구름많음제주5.0구름많음고산4.7구름많음성산5.0구름조금서귀포7.1맑음진주0.5맑음강화-3.7맑음양평-2.1맑음이천-1.4맑음인제-4.9맑음홍천-5.2맑음태백-4.5맑음정선군-5.2맑음제천-4.2맑음보은-1.7맑음천안-1.7구름조금보령0.5맑음부여-0.4맑음금산-1.3맑음세종-0.6구름많음부안-0.4구름많음임실-1.5흐림정읍-1.0구름많음남원-1.5구름많음장수-3.5구름많음고창군-1.3구름많음영광군0.1맑음김해시-0.5구름많음순창군-1.3맑음북창원0.3맑음양산시0.5구름조금보성군2.1구름조금강진군2.4구름많음장흥0.9맑음해남1.9맑음고흥1.8맑음의령군1.5맑음함양군-0.5맑음광양시0.9구름많음진도군2.4맑음봉화-4.0맑음영주-3.1맑음문경-1.5맑음청송군-2.8맑음영덕-1.4맑음의성-1.4맑음구미-0.1맑음영천-0.8맑음경주시-0.7맑음거창-0.2맑음합천-0.1맑음밀양0.4맑음산청0.0맑음거제1.7맑음남해1.9맑음북부산1.2
  • 2025.02.19(수)

체코/슬로바키아 뉴스

[경제] 수백명 중동부 유럽 최대 규모의 자동차 컨퍼런스 참가(영문)(2016.10.14)

14 Oct. 2016 | CzechInvest | CzechInvest presented the dynamics of the Czech automotive industry

Hundreds attend the biggest automotive conference in Central and Eastern Europe

Prague hosted one of the most important events of the automotive industry, the CEE Automotive Forum, on 11-12 October 2016. The event was attended by two hundred representatives of major firms and suppliers from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.

Representatives of national automotive industry associations, investment promotion agencies, carmakers and suppliers gave talks. CzechInvest’s representatives presented the current growth in production, exports, employment and investment inflow to the Czech automotive industry and spoke about the services that the agency offers in this sector.

A welcomed part of the event comprised roundtable discussions of individual countries. CzechInvest organised the Czech roundtable, where it was possible to answer delegates’ questions. A bonus feature of the forum was a series of one-to-one meetings in which representatives of smaller firms and suppliers met with buyers from carmakers and larger suppliers.


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