

  • 맑음속초12.6
  • 2025.03.11(화)

구인/구직-채용정보중동부유럽 구인/구직/채용 정보

[일본기업] 한국인 procurement 담당자 채용 - 채용 완료

안녕하세요, 현재 일본 기업에서 한국인 무역 담당자를 채용 중에 있습니다. 

관심 있으신 분들은 채용사항을 살펴보시고, 하기 내용을 이메일로 보내주시기 바랍니다. 

1. 영문 CV와 간략한 motivation letter
2. 희망 급여(세전 금액으로, 숫자 명시 부탁드립니다.) 
3. 비자 상황 



We are looking for a Korean person who can handle the procurement of raw materials from China, Korea and Japan for the Japanese company operating in the Czech Republic. The company has an office in Prague and a factory in Pardubice, producing components for the automotive industry. 


Job Position: Purchasing staff

Job Type: Full time
Work Place: Prague

Job Description:

In charge of raw material purchasing from China, Korea and Japan

Order and inventory management of raw materials

Delivery control

Communication with headquarters in Japan, etc.


Experience in administrative work, ability to use Microsoft Office software

Precise, reliable, self-motivated and cooperative person

Native in Korean

Business-level English

Intermediate-level Japanese or Chinese is a plus



5 weeks of holidays

3 sick days

Meal voucher


검색결과는 총 324건 입니다.    글쓰기
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