

  • 맑음속초2.5흐림북춘천0.0구름많음철원-1.6맑음동두천-2.0맑음파주-2.5구름조금대관령-5.5흐림춘천0.6맑음백령도-1.9맑음북강릉1.4맑음강릉2.7맑음동해3.4맑음서울-0.7맑음인천-1.6흐림원주1.3구름많음울릉도4.7흐림수원0.0흐림영월-0.9흐림충주-0.7구름조금서산0.5맑음울진3.3눈청주1.0흐림대전1.4흐림추풍령-0.3흐림안동0.8구름많음상주0.8구름조금포항4.0흐림군산2.5박무대구2.6흐림전주2.1구름많음울산2.9구름조금창원3.6비광주2.9구름조금부산4.7구름조금통영3.4비목포4.0구름많음여수2.8비흑산도4.6흐림완도4.2흐림고창2.7흐림순천1.5구름조금홍성1.1흐림서청주1.7흐림제주7.2흐림고산7.2구름많음성산6.6구름많음서귀포6.8구름많음진주-1.6맑음강화-2.0구름많음양평0.7구름조금이천0.4구름많음인제-0.1흐림홍천0.3흐림태백-3.4흐림정선군-2.0흐림제천-1.1흐림보은0.2흐림천안1.1흐림보령2.1흐림부여0.7흐림금산0.5흐림세종0.9흐림부안3.7흐림임실1.1흐림정읍2.4흐림남원0.7흐림장수0.3흐림고창군3.0흐림영광군3.5맑음김해시2.2흐림순창군0.5구름조금북창원3.2구름조금양산시1.7흐림보성군3.7흐림강진군4.0흐림장흥3.7흐림해남4.0흐림고흥3.4구름많음의령군0.9흐림함양군2.4구름많음광양시2.7흐림진도군4.8흐림봉화-1.0흐림영주0.6구름많음문경1.0구름많음청송군0.2구름많음영덕2.9흐림의성1.9흐림구미2.4구름많음영천2.3구름많음경주시2.7흐림거창1.8구름많음합천2.8구름많음밀양0.3흐림산청2.8구름조금거제3.5구름많음남해3.8구름조금북부산2.1
  • 2025.02.03(월)

구인/구직-채용정보중동부유럽 구인/구직/채용 정보

Warehouse Manager/General Manager

글로벌 기업 KISS에서 Warehouse Manager/General Manager 모십니다.

이력서 제출:careers@kissusa.com

전화번호: 516-67-5372 (New York, USA)

근무처: Korozluky Most, Czechia, EU

Position Summary: 


The Warehouse Manager will be expected to manage all aspects of the operations and logistics of the KISS warehouse. The responsibilities of the Manager include but are not limited to managing daily operations, staff, and policies/plans that involve the warehouse. The ideal candidate should have the ability to manage and lead a large group of employees.



-          Manage all operation and logistics of the warehouse.

-          Ensure compliance with regional legal mandates and regulatory affairs that affect warehouse activities.

-          Manage warehouse inventory and employee schedules on a regular basis.

-          Maintains physical condition of warehouse as needed.

-          Schedule and assign employees to work schedules and duties periodically.

-          Monitor the movement of goods into and out of production facilities.


(KSA) knowledge/experience, skills, ability & attitude: 

-          Working proficiency in both English and Korean

-          At least 7 years of experience in managing warehouse, production and logistic operations. 

-          Ability to communicate effectively in a professional manner.

-          Ability to adapt and improvise in a fast paced environment.

-          Experience in employee management.

-          Strong organizational skills.

-          Attention to detail.

  • toppage without benefits.png(1.1M)


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